"Amíg nem ismered magad, soha sem lehetsz biztos abban, hogy jól reagálsz!"

Pósa Ferenc

BRA History

Beaver Academy goes back to 1812 where Lord Beaver III wanted an educational place for his children. In 1935, the academy became an institution for non-royal students as well.

BRA Ideology

At Beaver Academy, we take great pride in teaching students to become clever individuals. Grades are not everything, and we want to develop the students' social skills as well.

BRA Future

When the new Lord Beaver III Jr. building is finished, it will be a very sophisticated research facility and will greatly enhance our chances  to become one of the best AI learning centers in the world.

Featured Class: Architecture


Here at BRA we take great pride in our award winning Architecture program. We have educated students that become masters of this art form and have delivered some of the greatest architects in the world. Some of the most awarded buildings out there are made by BRA graduates.

The program builds upon the old masters of architecture and gives the students visual and mathematical skills to conquer the world. For most students, this course will be a huge challenge, for the right students, it will be their dream come true.



BRA News and Information

Academy News

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting

Class Information

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting

Club Information

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting

Ready to find out more about Beaver Royal Academy?

Drop us a line today and we will send our BRA material.

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

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~ Justin Busa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a dui eros. Suspendisse iaculis, dui in luctus luctus, turpis ipsum blandit est, sed fermentum arcu sem quis purus.

~ Billy Young

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a dui eros. Suspendisse iaculis, dui in luctus luctus, turpis ipsum blandit est, sed fermentum arcu sem quis purus.

~ Robby McCullough

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"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

BRA History

Beaver Academy goes back to 1812 where Lord Beaver III wanted an educational place for his children. In 1935, the academy became an institution for non-royal students as well.

BRA Ideology

At Beaver Academy, we take great pride in teaching students to become clever individuals. Grades are not everything, and we want to develop the students' social skills as well.

BRA Future

When the new Lord Beaver III Jr. building is finished, it will be a very sophisticated research facility and will greatly enhance our chances  to become one of the best AI learning centers in the world.

Featured Class: Architecture


Here at BRA we take great pride in our award winning Architecture program. We have educated students that become masters of this art form and have delivered some of the greatest architects in the world. Some of the most awarded buildings out there are made by BRA graduates.

The program builds upon the old masters of architecture and gives the students visual and mathematical skills to conquer the world. For most students, this course will be a huge challenge, for the right students, it will be their dream come true.



BRA News and Information

Academy News

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting

Class Information

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting

Club Information

- Classrooms closed due to re-painting
- Two students join football team
- Meeting about new campus area
- Library project meeting